Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Nintendo stops the production of consoles Wii in Japan.

Nintendo stops the production of consoles Wii inJapan

Nintendo stops the production of consoles Wii inJapan

After seven years of good and devoted service,It is the end of a beautiful story, Wii is not going to be any more produced in Japan. Nintendo, effectively announced that it was soon going to stop producing its console of show, from now on replaced by Wii U. Sales will stop naturally once depleted stocks in stores.

A brief message appeared these last hours on the page Wii of the Japanese  web site of Nintendo indicating only " project of the next ruling of the production .

The manufacturing of Wii for the overseas market is however going to continue for the moment during still indefinite period, specified to AFP a spokesman of the group. The games sets for Wii are also usable on Wii U, specified the same spring.

Wii, which had been launched in December, 2006 in Japan, was sold to more than 100 million copies in the world at the end of last June. What makes one of the bestsellers among the consoles of show, with PlayStation 1 and 2 of the rival Sony. 

It is normal that a console stops being made some time after the following one arrived on the market. However, the piece of new Wii U does not meet the same  prosperity as the previous one, because of a change of the market of the video game in which smartphones and tablets took an important place to the disadvantage of consoles dedicated by show or mobiles. Nintendo is one of those who suffer most from these rivalry.

It banks however on the sale of 9 millions of Wii U during the moved budgetary year which will be locked up in March 2014. His new console, marketed since the end of year 2012, has the peculiarity to propose Gamepad, lever with joined touch-sensitive screen allowing in particular asymmetric gameplay .

The Japanese group is however going to have to face the arrival in November  of the consoles of his two big rivals, PlayStation 4 of Sony and the Xbox One of Microsoft, eagerly awaited by gamers.


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