Thursday, October 24, 2013

A cup with an integrated thermometer: New idea!

A cup with an integrated thermometer, you dreamed about it? Soon, it will be maybe a reality!
The British designer Evita Krumina finalized a project which she would like to develop: Smart Mug. The principle of Smart Mug is to allow those who would like to drink to have the temperature of their drink indicated outside of the cup. The bright buttons would give us indications over the ideal moment to avoid the shocks of temperature. Red: it is too hot, green: you can go there!

Only problem, at the moment, this magic cup is only in the state of project. Indeed, to finance the development of Smart Mug, Avoided account on the participation of the Internet users because its project was posted on KickStarter.

A real innovation which would avoid in thousands of addicts in the caffeine to burn the tongue.



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