Thursday, October 24, 2013

The first Ad for the PS4

PlayStation 4 should be put on sale from November 29th, an ideal timing which should allow the console to skip under certain Christmas trees. While the expectation becomes almost  unbearable for the addicts in the video games, Sony took advantage of the event Monday Night Football to reveal the first publicity of this new console.


And the least we can say, it is because in term of originality, Sony strikes a big blow. On the background of " Just has perfect day " of Lou Reed, two knights are in confrontation while singing, a little as in a musical. While at the beginning, they play the brave knights, their fight is then transformed into furious race before ending in intergalactic battle.

A cup with an integrated thermometer: New idea!

A cup with an integrated thermometer, you dreamed about it? Soon, it will be maybe a reality!
The British designer Evita Krumina finalized a project which she would like to develop: Smart Mug. The principle of Smart Mug is to allow those who would like to drink to have the temperature of their drink indicated outside of the cup. The bright buttons would give us indications over the ideal moment to avoid the shocks of temperature. Red: it is too hot, green: you can go there!

Only problem, at the moment, this magic cup is only in the state of project. Indeed, to finance the development of Smart Mug, Avoided account on the participation of the Internet users because its project was posted on KickStarter.

A real innovation which would avoid in thousands of addicts in the caffeine to burn the tongue.


Discover the advertising spot of the IPhone 5s

At the time of its release, the IPhone 5s fascinated the crowds, and especially the Internet users who did not hesitate to submit the product to numerous tests, all so absurd some as the others. Nevertheless at this moment, only the IPhone 5C had seen endowing with a promotional film.

On October 21st, Apple put on-line a new video on this telephone. This appointed spot "Metal Mastered" is accompanied with the song " Ohh La La " of a group in the name of circumstances Goldfrapp. During 30 seconds, the brand puts forward the grace, the heat and the exceptional aspect of the golden telephone. We see there in particular the IPhone building up itself from gold in fusion.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The New Lamborghini Veneno Roadster : the most expensive car of the world

The first photos had gone out in the beginning of March, 2013. The 4-wheeled fighting bull from Lamborghini again makes speak about him! To celebrate its 50 years, Lamborghini decided to launch the model "Veneno" which pulls its name of one of the most aggressive fighting bulls which are. Initially planned to only 3 copies in the world, this model "roadster" of Lamborghini will be produced to only 9 copies in the world.

Do not get excited too much, the price is 4,5 million dollars! The performances are always there with 0-100 kph in 2,9 seconds and a speed clocks in 350 kph …

Monday, October 21, 2013

Walkie Talkie: speak to your clothes!

It is a little the idea which had the creator Sean Miles. Persuaded that the fashion and the technology are make to go of pair, he realized these prototypes. By recycling old telephones and by adding them on Christian Louboutin's shoes, gloves of Miu Miu or still on a bag Alexander Mc Queen. The happy buyers of these technologies can always go to make bless their clothes!

To have a garment-telephone, it will be necessary all the same to be ready to pay out 1500 euros at least. But which(who) knows, maybe that this initiative of upcycling will give ideas to the giants of the telephony.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Céline Dion's best imitation! Sébastien

While the first one dominates of France has an incredible talent was yesterday evening broadcasted, an artist has quite already held attention of public favor Céline Dion's magnificent imitation.

Sébastian, alias Costic, appeared at the casting with a single idea in head: prove that he was the best in his domain. And effectively, the man is completed in Céline Dion. Of the tone of vote in mimes, he delivers a performance without the slightest fault, to such a point that the same Gilbert Rozon, usually so difficult, is open-mouthed there!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Chocolate with insects on sale!

Choclate-brown, Milk chocolate, chocolate-brown in the puffed rice, chocolate in the sesame... Well I am not going to make for you a drawing, varieties of chocolate, it exists height there. Of course, according to its tastes, each will have favorite sound. The big question maintaining, it is to know who will like the chocolate in insects!

After some stays in Asia, the pastry cook-chocolate maker Sylvain Musquar, decided to propose new products . Insects get involved in chocolates and come to modify the taste. If we believe the hearsays, insects would have tastes close to the hazelnut and the dried fruits.

Monday, October 14, 2013

A ring which controls your Smartphone

Everybody knows that a life without telephone is almost impossible nowadays, that is why John McLear create a new gadget for Smartphone: the ring NFC. The concept of this ring was put on Kickstarter to be marketed. This ring stores the identity of his owner and allows to control its Smartphone!

What is  NFC?
Literally Near Field Communication (close Communication in fields). It allows to exchange data on very short distances ( maximum 10 cms). It is what is used for all which concerns the future means of payment with Smartphone.

A ring??

This technology is integrated into a simple ring in metal allowing to store its digital identity to interact in a way secured with terminals (computer, Smartphone, etc.).
With this ring, it is possible to unbolt its Smartphone only in the moving, to transfer its contacts ( v-card ) on other telephones in the same way or still to transfer media (photos, video) in a simple movement. Every Smartphone will have obviously beforehand to be equipped with an application Special who can recognize the ring. This ring is thus very useful to reassure the access to its Smartphone.

Social media generation: the dark side of social networking

Social media generation is a short film adapted from the comic Marc Maron: The social media generation that gives a sharp vision of Generation Y.
Jess the dragoon picked this comic to make about more powerful. In this two-minute video, the film emphasizes the need for attention generated by the constant use of social networks at the expense of human feeling. He denounces is this virtualization feelings akin to a need for recognition.

belgium's got talent 2013 : an incredible Kid

If Gangnam Style Psy is the tube all records, Tristan 4 years is also experiencing the glory through this tube and talent. The proof is with his performance in Belgium's Got Talent has attracted more than a million viewings on YouTube.

Little dog : The dog robot

While we wondered if robots could be dangerous for the man, the last creation of the American robotics firm Boston Dynamics lets us think that it would not be the case. Discover Little Dog, the robot-dog 20 cms high for 30 cms long.

LittleDog has the peculiarity to be able to adapt itself to every type chap of ground because his IT program allows him to move in a autonomous way.

At the moment, LittleDog was thought for a military custom he would make a perfect tool of recognition. Its small size and its adaptability would allow him to have access to number of grounds. Only problem: a drum kit in very limited duration. Indeed, LittleDog can be used only during 30min.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Nintendo stops the production of consoles Wii in Japan.

Nintendo stops the production of consoles Wii inJapan

Nintendo stops the production of consoles Wii inJapan

After seven years of good and devoted service,It is the end of a beautiful story, Wii is not going to be any more produced in Japan. Nintendo, effectively announced that it was soon going to stop producing its console of show, from now on replaced by Wii U. Sales will stop naturally once depleted stocks in stores.

A brief message appeared these last hours on the page Wii of the Japanese  web site of Nintendo indicating only " project of the next ruling of the production .

The manufacturing of Wii for the overseas market is however going to continue for the moment during still indefinite period, specified to AFP a spokesman of the group. The games sets for Wii are also usable on Wii U, specified the same spring.

Wii, which had been launched in December, 2006 in Japan, was sold to more than 100 million copies in the world at the end of last June. What makes one of the bestsellers among the consoles of show, with PlayStation 1 and 2 of the rival Sony. 

It is normal that a console stops being made some time after the following one arrived on the market. However, the piece of new Wii U does not meet the same  prosperity as the previous one, because of a change of the market of the video game in which smartphones and tablets took an important place to the disadvantage of consoles dedicated by show or mobiles. Nintendo is one of those who suffer most from these rivalry.

It banks however on the sale of 9 millions of Wii U during the moved budgetary year which will be locked up in March 2014. His new console, marketed since the end of year 2012, has the peculiarity to propose Gamepad, lever with joined touch-sensitive screen allowing in particular asymmetric gameplay .

The Japanese group is however going to have to face the arrival in November  of the consoles of his two big rivals, PlayStation 4 of Sony and the Xbox One of Microsoft, eagerly awaited by gamers.