Monday, November 11, 2013

" FIFA 14 " Offers Itself a Quality Face-lift

Since its metamorphosis begun in 2007, the key license of the American studio Electronic Arts, the last opus of which was sold to more than 12 million copies, aims every year towards more realism, dumping and difficulty. For lack of major innovations, fourteenth FIFA of the name,brought out on September 26th on PS3 and Xbox, offers itself a quality face-lift. But to tame the animal, the player will have to forget most of the mechanisms of game play previously acquired, at the price of endless sleepless nights and painful cramps in fingers.

The handling of " FIFA 14 " can indeed offend the égo and confuse the players, even most hardened. With a rhythm of slower game, a worked again slowness returning the heavier players, more approximate controls, and conduct of ball which requires more dexterity, " FIFA 14 " turns a new corner in the simulation. Cristiano Ronaldo cannot cross any more the ground on a simple acceleration. Zlatan Ibrahimovic is not any more capable of towing three players on the shoulders. Bonus is given to the defense, and the slightest step of excess is immediately punished. To win matches to " FIFA 14 " is from now on affair of patience, of construction of game and tactical reflection.

The physics of the ball was also reshaped through the system of " Pure Shot ", main novelty of " FIFA 14 ". Goodbye in the floating shootings in the improbable trajectories, deserving of beach balls Hook of our childhood. In a good position, and with a good timing, the player can shoot heavy and fun strikings ,as we see all the weekends in Bundesliga, the German championship. On the contrary, a bad investment expects from a completely missed striking. The game of head is also more realistic in terms of animation, and often hits the bull's eye. Too much, maybe, to the point that a corrective patch would be more than welcome. Also, if the travels and the behavior of the artificial intelligence are more credible, the calls of ball require a perfect timing.

If the game is always so beautiful and realistic from a graphic point of view, it leans on an already very solid base, thanks to the management of the contacts introduced by " the Impact Engine " into " FIFA 12 ", and did not openly evolve. The modelling of the players was certainly improved, the public is a little more alive, but the graphic engine seems to reach its limits. The same goes for the atmosphere, with the singings of supporters worked again without bringing a real impression of novelty. Finally, if the comments of the duet Hervé Mathoux-Franck Sauzée were also revisited to stick as closely as possible to the evolution of the match, the third thief makes his appearance, at the edge of the ground, to bring precision on the wounded players. The idea is good and prefigures evolutions to come.

In terms of contents, we find all the modes which made the fame of the title, but only the modes Career - which introduces a touch of management way " Football Manager " - and Ultimate Team, was enriched. The numerous workshops of training are also more playful. We shall note the Argentine addition of championships, Chilean and Colombian. Two new European teams also make their appearance: Galatassaray de Didier Drogba and Ukrainian club of Shakhtar Donestk. We can however miss selections of Croatia, Ghana and Japan which, for lack of representing major nations of the world football,Possess quality players whom it had been pleasant to maneuver in one year of the World cup in Brazil.

It is necessary to wish that Electronic Arts bends one day over the addition of several mythical teams which made the history of the football. For the moment, the only one " Eleven of the legend " that it is impossible to confront to another team of the same made kind weak face. Then in his peak, the publisher PE suggested to the players checking in particular the Netherlands of Gullit, Argentina of Maradona, Germany of Beckenbauer, France of Zidane or Brazil of king Pelé. Other sport, other customs, the simulation of basketball " NBA 2K11 " Taken out in 2010, had made the winning choice incorporate teams and historic players, with Michael Jordan at the top of bow, offering to the player a new experience of game and a real return on investment. This year, the game of 2K Sports, which will go out on October 4th, will join European teams. A real quantitative work by which should be inspired Elecronic Arts.

Without being a simple update in 70 euros the unity, against 50 euros for his competitor PE, " FIFA 14 " would have been able to show itself more ambitious. The game keeps(guards) without debate its title of undisputed king of the simulations of football, but the exit of consoles next-gen could redistribute cards. Konami polishes up his weapons to invert a highly competitive market.


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