Sunday, December 15, 2013

The team of Fast and Furious pays tribute to Paul Walker

The American actor Paul Walker died last Saturday in a road accident. The team of the movie Fast and Furious paid him a moving tribute by compiling numerous sequences extracted from 7 shutters of the saga in which Paul Walker appears …

Video Fast and Furious Team – Paul Walker : ‘In loving memory !’

Angry Birds Go's first images! In development on iPads and tablets Android (màj + video)

Angry Birds Go! Angry Birds Go! Will land on the iPad and the tablets turning under Android from next December 11th, the game of running in the universe of birds and pigs of Rovio will be free in the download.

Here are 3 clichés pulled by game in action at a mini iPad Retina, a title graphically successful and filled with action.

The official wireless charger Nexus costs $50

Good news for the owners of the Nexus 4 and 5, if you look for official accessories Nexus, you are in vein, because the official wireless charger Nexus is present on the Google Play blind, and it will belong to you for $50. The listing also shows that Nexus 7 will be also compatible, then it looks like the owners of the tablet can also have the wireless load. However, seen that these wireless chargers have the standard Qi, we expect that you can find a less expensive solution, but one more time, if you want show your support in the mark Nexus, it is a right way to do it.

According to the description of the product, " with the wireless charger Nexus, your new Nexus 7 will really become the first wireless tablet. More problems with the sons, the cords and the grips - Your tablet is set up on the magnetic face and the load begins. The wireless charger Nexus adheres firmly on any surface - as your office desk, work plan or bedside table - so the advantage of the load " grab-and-go " is always of an easy access".

Line, the app of messaging exceeds 300 million registered users

We would not be surprised if you have never heard about Line, but with 300 million users, he could well be one of the most popular applications of messaging. Line continues to win in popularity on the Asian markets the origins of the service of which come from Japan. Although Asia is an enormous market for Line, approximately 80 % of its business comes from accounts of messaging abroad.

Line emphasizes stickers and other images which can be used in chat, but that's not all, because the application allows you to have video calls besides a good old chat with the users of the service.

Volocopter VC200: an electric helicopter

Volocopter VC200 is doubtless the first helicopter "green" to the world. Indeed, it uses 18 helixes fed by electric engines. It is a kind of huge drone in a way. Apparently, it should be available in Germany soon, it will be necessary to cross a license(Bachelor's degree) to be able to pilot him(it). Volocopter can welcome two people and can reach a 100 kph speed for a 1,980 meter height. its estimated autonomy is about the 1 am. You will note the tablet which serves as screen of command.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mercedes-Benz of reveals its car electrique

Announced to land in the course of the next anne' e, it is going to be equipped with an engine of 100 kilowatts supplied by soul Yankees of Tesla (little boys who know each other in cars electriques there) producing the e' quivalent of 134 horses.

Weighed down by batteries situe' is in the floor of the car, what lowers the center of revolve ' (and it is far from e^tre a bad thing) it will be necessary in spite of ' everything about ten seconds to make crossthe car of 0 have ` 100 kph, and his its top speed will be rein e has ` 160 kph.

2D or not 2D : Incredible optical illusions

The photographer Alexander Khokhlov and painter on body Valeriya Kutsan gathered(combined) their talents to create the photographic project " golden 2D not 2D " where the faces of the models become incroyables.des optical illusions incredible optical illusions.

The main idea of the project was to transform the faces of the models into 2D images. Valeriya used various techniques of paint(painting) on face so that you can see numerous variants, going of the draft and graphic arts to the watercolor and the oil paint. It is the result of the association of a make-up interest, of experience photo in studio and of meticulous retouch.

Here is some images :

Doctor Who on smartphone

Doctor Who: Legacy is a mobile game which aims to be an emotional tribute to the Doctor. it arrives gradually on iOS and Android.

Doctor Who: Legacy is the work of studios Tiny Rebel Games and Seed Studios. Not much information filtered, just we know that it is a question of a " game(set,play) of adventure puzzle " in whom(which) you will can " train(form) a team of your companions(journeymen) and favourite allies drawn from the rich history(story) of the series, face the biggest enemies of the Doctor and relive his biggest triumphs. "

Fans from the very beginning and profane should be seduced by this free game(set,play). If the intrigue resumes(takes back) the very first seasons, the additional contents - too free - will be gradually added to return until the season 5. Very promising all this!

Unfortunately, it will be necessary to wait before being able to take advantage of it in our parts of the country. Follow the account Twitter @DoctorWhoLegacy to be kept informed.

An accessory for smartphone grants your guitar for you

Roadie Tuner is the accessory for the guitarist of tomorrow. it connects with a smartphone, a tablet or an iPod thanks to a bluetooth connection and uses a dedicated application. It is enough to connect Roadie Tuner on the mechanics corresponding to the rope which you wish to settle. Once once that is done, the application for smartphone play your rope and is going to eliminate the unwanted rumours and to detect the frequency of the sound. it will send the order to the accessory which is going to tune automatically. According to the builder, the regulation is 3 times as precise as if you had made it manually. And the user will have the choice between various chaps all right and the change all right would be made in a few minutes. The application is also going to use the information accumulated to define the state and the elasticity of your ropes to suggest you a replacement if it is necessary.

The advantage of Roadie Tuner, it is because he can be used on practically all the guitars. For electric guitars, an adapter is going to allow to establish a "wired" connection between the smartphone and the instrument to have fewer rumours. Min-ETune of Gibson is a device(plan) which is an integral part of the instrument and can be used only on this  one.

And Roadie Tuner is cumbersome not at all because it weighs only 100 g and is 5×8 cms. A load allows to make 6000 tunings against 100 tunings - of all the ropes - for Min-ETune of Gibson. You can have one of it from $84 . Count $10 furthermore to have the adapter for electric guitar.


The pile in the refillable lithium: what are its advantages ?

Piles in the lithium refillable are useful in our everyday life, for our electronic devices, but also in the industry. Their use presents economic advantages, thanks to their performance and particularly, their long lasting of life. To use piles in the lithium refillable also has ecological advantages, by reducing waste, as well as broadcast of greenhouse gases.

The pile in the refillable lithium: economic advantages...

Piles in the lithium, in the form of piles batteries or of piles buttons, are used, in multiple domains in our everyday life, worth knowing:

The electronic devices.

The portable cameras.

The materials of use, in the industry.

The wireless alarm systems.

For that purpose, piles in the lithium refillable present advantages, on the economic plan, in particular on:

The possibility of supplying a high current, because they are capable of freeing, the double of the tension freed by the alkaline and salt piles.

The durability of the investment, thanks to its long lasting of life (400 in 750 cycles of refill).

The capacity to maintain stable, the produced voltage.

Indisputable ecological advantages :

For the followers of the environmental protection, the pile in the refillable lithium also presents, ecological advantages. In well, some most known aspects:

Ecologically less harmful (low consumption of natural, not renewable resources).

Limitation of the chemical pollutions, by the reduction of the waste of the worn piles.

Contribution, in the reduction of the greenhouse gas emission.

Finally, the chargers of piles, working with the couple iron lithium-disulfide, are adapted for the devices of strong consumption, as the digital cameras and the flashes. Indeed, they have a longer life expectancy, thanks to their spiral construction. So, their use contributes to the reduction of the broadcast, the polluting waste.

Friday, November 29, 2013

A new island, taken out of some waters!

The mountain of the earthquake , "Zalzala Koh" it is the name given to this end of earth, that appeared a few kilometers away from the beach of Gwadar, in the southwest of Pakistan, in the Arabian Sea.

PetChatz: the innovation which allows to discuss in video with its dog at any time

If you have a dog or a cat, then this innovation should interest you. When we live in town, the pet unfortunately spend long moments alone at the house while waiting for the return of his master. Thanks to the innovation PetChatz, you finally go to be able to take news of your dog or cat without having to leave your office.

PetChatz is a case to be installed at home at the level of your animal. Equipped with a webcam, with a screen and with a loudspeaker, you can communicate as in a real video conference. And that's not all! If your animal was wise, you can thank him with a small croquette.

Switzerland is going to test club cars Starbucks in her trains

The American giant Starbucks gets ready to test a club car in one of the trains of the network SBB ( Swiss federal Railroads). This first experience will circulate from next Thursday between Geneva and St-Gall. It's about a world premiere for Starbucks and the second for the SBB. In the 90s, the SBB had managed to have McDonald's restaurant car. This project was unfortunately failed at the end of 5 years …

As you know certainly, everything is more expensive in a club car. Starbucks will not break the rule with higher prices to those practised in his shops. Yes, it is nevertheless already rather expensive like that!

One Google's House in Paris

After the Google dictionary, it is on Wednesday, November 13th, 2013, that Google presented to us his Google piece of news House situated right in the heart of Paris in the 3rd district. It is the connected house, that allows the users to make Google vocal searches in any room. Not bad the concept!

For example, you are in the kitchen you look for a recipe, it's just enough to say it in a loud voice and it appears on a big screen!

Discover in image which looks like the connected house imagined by Google:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The One World Trade Center is the highest American tower

The experts cut: the highest American skyscraper is One World Trade Center, set up in New York on the place of towers destroyed on September 11th, 2001, a place which was competed to him by Willis Tower of Chicago.

Be architects of the Council of the urban housing environment and tall building (CTBUH) considered that we could take into account, to measure the height of the New York tower, the antenna which puts on it, likened more to an arrow than to a transmitter. 124,4 meters in length, this arrow carries the total height of the tower in 541,3 meters.

" The structure on the top of the building is considered as a permanent architectural element, and not as an element of a technical-functional equipment ", explained the president of the CTBUH, Timothy Johnson, in a communiqué.

The biggest orange diamond in the world sold to 31,5 million dollars

The biggest orange diamond in the world, which was found in South Africa, was sold in Geneva, on November 12th, in 31,5 million dollars. Even Christie's house which presented this rare stone did not expect this record amount. The diamond, which has an exceptional size for a color which is it just as much, had to, according to the house of London of auction, make climb(soar) the bids between 17 and 20 million dollars.

14,82 carats weighty, the stone is of a qualified color of " vivid ", is a particularly intense brightness. " The diamonds of color are a freak of nature ", specifies David Warren, person in charge of the division jewelry of Christie. " Originally, they are first of all white diamonds, then a coloring agent penetrates into the earth, which is going to change their color. The more the color is intense, the more these diamonds are rare ", explains the expert.

According to the laboratory Gemological Institut of America, there is no diamonds in the world of the same quality quality " vivid ", and they have a weight lower than 4 carats.

The sale of the biggest orange diamond to the world by Christie took place on the eve of that of the Sotheby's rival house, who, proposes November 13th, the biggest pink diamond in the world, for a price expected from 60 million dollars.

Piano projections: the most beautiful digital innovation to learn to play the piano

Proposed by New Scientist, this presentation of " Piano Projections " shows us an innovative and digital way to learn to play the piano. The principle is simple: a software spreadslighting effects on the touches of the piano to allow the pupil of knowledge where to put the fingers. The software possesses three functions : play, train and listen to.

Play: Let's go for the big plunge. To you to give the best of you even!

Train: you just have to press on touches when this one are lit. You have the possibility of choosing the speed of execution or another mode which adapts itself itself to your speed. Completed for the beginners!

Listen to: you can listen to the piece of your choice and get acquainted with. When the music parades the corresponding touches are lit.

The United Knigdom: taxis without drivers

Pods, it is the name of these taxis without drivers whom English are going to experiment from 2015 in Milton Keynes, city in the North of London. These electric small cars designed for two persons will circulate thanks to a GPS system and cameras allowing to avoid any collision. Pods will roll with a speed of 19km / hour to 3-euro.

At first, these taxis will be on ways dedicated to their use for, little by little become integrated into the circulation without shocking the other users.
The notices are mitigated, between those who see it as the beginning of the unemployment for taxis and, on the contrary those who think that this innovation is important for the domain of the automobile...